What We Offer
WRCAC provides the following services to build the capacity of communities and states to respond to child abuse allegations and increase the number of children served through a coordinated response to child abuse:

Local, state and regional trainings for professionals involved in the investigation of and response to child maltreatment, including law enforcement officers, child welfare workers, mental health clinicians, medical personnel, forensic interviewers, victim advocates, and attorneys.

Customized technical assistance to support the growth, development and specialized needs of children’s advocacy centers and state chapters, with a particular focus on tribal communities, centers serving American Indian/Alaskan Native children and access and availability of services in rural and frontier communities.

Collaboration with regional and national partners to develop and implement best standards of practice and provide coordinated support to the CAC movement.

Accessible resources for professionals seeking evidence-based practices, protocols and information to guide their work.
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